Friday, August 24, 2012

#7- Take the strengthsfinder 2.0 test

I first heard about this test my Junior year of college when the Wesley interns were required to take it. My discipler at the time told me about it and I thought it was so cool! But you had to buy the book with the access code, and I never got around to it. But as I was creating this list, I decided that it was something that I would benefit from, and I love taking personality tests, as well as finding out my strengths- hence the title of the book. Also it was mentioned a few times during my summer classes, which encouraged me to do it sooner, rather than later.

The book was about $15 on Amazon, and it came with the access code for the website. I took the test, and my top five strengths were Discipline, Empathy, Developer, Includer, Learner. Some of the questions were really difficult to answer because I felt that I was strong in both categories because the categories were so different, and like most tests with a ton of questions, I felt that I contradicted myself from time to time. But after reading the descriptions of each one, I think they are pretty accurate. Here's the brief version of my strengths.

1. Discipline- People who are especially talented in the Discipline theme enjoy routine and structure. Their world is best described by the order they create.

2. Empathy- People who are especially talented in the Empathy theme can sense the feelings of other people by imagining themselves in others’ lives or others’ situations.

3. Developer- People who are especially talented in the Developer theme recognize and cultivate the potential in others. They spot the signs of each small improvement and derive satisfaction from these

4. Includer- People who are especially talented in the Includer theme are accepting of others. They show awareness of those who feel left out, and make an effort to include them.

5. Learner- People who are especially talented in the Learner theme have a great desire to learn and want to continuously improve. In particular, the process of learning, rather than the outcome, excites them.

I think that these five strengths are vital for being a school counselor, which gives me some reassurance that I am in the right field. I think that this is something that is really good for all people to take, and if I was an employer, I would try and use it in my company for hiring purposes to make sure that we had a wide variety of people, or just make the employees take it, to have a better understanding of the people they are working with to create a more efficient environment.

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