Wednesday, July 25, 2012

50 Days in...

And I still have only completed one goal. But I'm still trucking along

47. Try every cupcake listed on the menu from Silver Lining-  Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana- It was one of their specialty cupcakes and I got it after I finished my first semester of Grad School. It was Banana Cake with Chocolate Buttercream Frosting with Reese's baked in as well as sprinkled on top. It wasn't too banana-y but I think it had a little too much peanut butter. I probably wouldn't get it again, but it was a good one nonetheless. 3/30

70. Pick an author and read everything he/she has written- I was going to pick someone who was dead, so they wouldn't be able to write anymore, but I decided that I wanted to do a Chick Lit author instead, some light and fluffy to counter the classics I'm reading for the BBC Big Read. There were several options (Jodi Picoult, Jane Green, etc) that I hadn't read before, but I wanted to pick someone who had a reasonable number, and most of which I hadn't read. I settled on Jennifer Weiner. She has ten (for now), one of which I realized I had already read after starting it: The Guy Not Taken. It was a collection of short stories, and I think there were a few that I hadn't read prior. But I like the way she writes- she's not as predicable as some writers, but she's also not difficult or hard to follow. I'm excited to read a few more of her's before classes start back. 1/10

72. Mail 20 letters- I wrote a thank you note to my friend's mom whose house I stayed at while in Nashville for the Fourth of July (8/20)

80. Listen to every song on my computer- Slowly but surely. I'm made a bunch of different playlists of artists and genres and deleting songs from them after I listen to them so I can have more of a variety without risking listening to the same few songs over and over (1404/5055)

81. Watch every episode of Friends- Friends kept me sane through my summer classes. But it also made tasks take infinitely longer because I would end up watching an entire disk during my study break instead of just one episode. But I'm on Season Five. My goal is to finish the series before classes start back up in August, but I don't think that is realistic, given all the other things I hope to do. Plus I get to keep them at least until September when my friend comes back to Athens, and I'm sure even longer if I needed.  114/238

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