Monday, June 4, 2012

Starting Fresh!

So I am starting another attempt at the Day Zero project. My first blog was here. Wordpress was frustrating so I switched over here. Technically I still have until June 11 to complete my original list, but I wanted to start my new one the same day I begin the next chapter of my life- Graduate School for my Master's in Education- Professional Counseling at the University of Georgia. My program started today, June 4, and 1001 days from that date is my 25th birthday, March 2, 2015. I think it is really cool how that worked out. Most of the goals on my list were not things that I really wanted to do anymore. They were very trivial, and others were so unrealistic, or had to happen in a certain time frame. I ended up accomplishing 61 goals, which I still think is a feat in and of itself. I decided to make a new list and try to be more deliberate with my goals. Some of them are pretty easy and simple. A lot are one time actions, which will make them achievable (I won't have to do the same thing multiple times in order to cross it off) I've spent several months creating the list, and I think each item is something that I truly want to do and accomplish. There are a lot of travel goals, and a lot that are related to my schooling and professional life. I am excited to begin this new chapter. I'm not quite sure how I want to document my in-progress and completed goals (obviously on this blog, but I don't know if I should update by tasks, weeks, months, etc) I guess it depends on how much time I will have to blog as well as how productive I've been. Obviously I won't make progress everyday- I mean that would be awesome and ideal but so not realistic, especially with the busyness of Graduate School, but I guess we shall see what happens. I'm really excited for the new adventures that will be coming my way in the next 1001 days!!

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