Monday, June 18, 2012

2 weeks in

I can't believe it's already been two weeks since I started Graduate School and a new Day Zero Project. Classes are really time consuming, but I can tell I've already learned so much! I'm being challenged to think in new ways and I am learning all sorts of roles that school counselors have, especially in terms of social justice and advocacy. Despite all this school work, I have still managed to work on several of my goals. So far 9 of them are underway. Here are some updates on my progress!

In Progress
43. Try 20 new restaurants- This past Friday I went to Taqueria Del Sol with several members of my cohort. I've passed by it several times, and have even attempted to go there are multiple occasions, but the line was always out the door. I ordered the chicken tender taco per Nick's suggestion, with a side of queso, and it was so good! Especially when you put the queso on the taco. It was also very affordable. One to definitely try again. Then later that night, I hung out with Brandon and Jaques and they wanted to go to a late dinner. We went to The Globe downtown and I ordered the Guinness Chocolate Cake with Bailey's Frosting- it was a little dry, but the flavor was amazing. I looked through the menu at their  entrees, and I want to go back and eat a real meal. But I get to count it since I actually ordered a food item. 2/20

47. Try every cupcake from Silver Lining- see post here  1/30

65. Read 15 of BBC's Big Read- I started The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame. I'm only a few chapters in since I have so much school work to read, but it's something to take with me when I go to the gym since I got it for free on my Kindle.

71. Read through an entire letter in my topical Bible- I choose the letter P, because out of the longer letters, it had the most categories that I wanted to study- Patience, Peace, Perseverance, Power, Praise, Prayer, Predestination, Pride, Prophecy, Purification, among others

72. Mail 20 letters- I wrote two thank you notes to members of my family for graduation cards and sent one to my friend Neal working at camp 3/20

80. Listen to every song on my computer- this has been quite an adventure, listening to songs that I haven't heard in years. I've already deleted many, but I still have so much to go through. My current strategy is just to put it on shuffle (sometimes within an artist or genre) and if I can't listen to the song the entire way through, I have to delete it. The only time I can skip is if I've already listened to it once. Sometimes I will deliberately choose a song though, but it's more entertaining when I leave it up to shuffle.  625/5056

81. Watch every episode of Friends- I borrowed all ten seasons from Stephen and am going through all the episodes in order. I'm on the second disc of Season One but I'm counting the ones I've already seen prior to starting this list. Needless to say, I still have a lot left 42/238

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