Sunday, September 1, 2013

Updates as of 9/1/2013

So internship is consuming my life, in a good way! I'm loving everything I'm doing and my school is awesome, but I'm just so busy. Add in an online class, studying for COMPS, and trying to make friends in a new city (plus maintaining all the others with people all over the country), my progress is very little for my 101 in 1001 days.


3. Finish Graduate School- I found out I made an A, like a real A not an A-, in my research class. It was so hard and I would have been happy with a B, but an A made me ecstatic. I'm taking one online class, as well as completing my internship, and studying for my Comprehensive examination, but that is all I have left. May 9, 2014 (God Willing) I will have my Master's Degree in Professional School Counseling! It's crazy how intense this program is, and I feel like I still have so much to learn, but hopefully by graduation (or even before) I'll feel competent enough to be a school counselor. I'm excited for graduation, but also am looking forward to the experiences of internship, and want to relish in them as long as I can. It will be nice to actually get paid for my work though :) 

19. Go to 10 new college campuses- I had to go a Fulton County Counselor meeting for my internship, and it was hosted by Atlanta Metropolitan State College. I knew nothing of the school, other than passing it while driving down 1-75, but the President of the college spoke and I learned that it just recently became a 4 year institution. It originally catered towards non-traditional students trying to get their associates, but now a lot of their students come straight from high school, and they are offering a biology degree that encompasses all the requirements to apply to medical or nursing school. The rest of their programs are Associates degrees, but they are definitely on track to offer more 4 year degrees (6/10)

80. Listen to every song on my computer- I have recently become obsessed with the new Ben Rector album, so everything else has been postponed. Before I got it, I had listened to a lot of new (old) songs. I really need to start organizing it all, making sure all the songs have the correct name, artist, album, genre, and artwork(3711/5148)

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